ENM European Nursing Module Network
Framework for Student Exchange short-term Courses

Cultural awareness is the beginning of an ever evolving learning process

For students undertaking nurse education in their specific country the European Nursing Module (ENM) Network offers the opportunity for short-term courses in another European country.

Who we are

The European Nursing Module (ENM) Network was founded in 1994 with the  Inaugural Meeting held in Lewes, Sussex, United Kingdom.

The principle behind the Network was to develop a Module, which could be accessed by student nurses studying within those programmes. If appropriate, the Module would be validated by the individual institutions' appropriate validating body as an elective part of  their basic nursing programme.

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Student Exchange Programme

"This was the most educational and interesting internship I have had in my nursing education. Of course it was a different way of learning." (student ENM18 exchange)

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"I could never reflect too much! And its very nice to talk about the time we spent there and to see how different people manage cultural issues." (student ENM18 exchange)

To apply to become Network Member

Institutions wishing to join the Network should initially contact  the Network Co-ordinator or the Network Secretary for information  on the process.

Contact the Network Secretary